Thursday, November 24, 2011

Digital Literacy

Thinking about how much I use my computer and my phone I was amazed how much I relied upon them. I use my phone for not only calling people and texting, but checking my email and using the internet when I am not around my computer. My computer is always on whether I am using it or not because I like how accessible it is for whenever I need to use it. Also, I use it for watching TV shows so I am on it a lot more than I should be. I didn't think I was reliant on these technologies, but taking the time to analyze how I spend my time, I was surprised how dependent I was to my phone and computer.

How I can integrate digital texts and media into my curriculum is to use a wide range of technologies within my classes. I could incorporate videos, websites, sounds clips, etc into my lesson to help teach the content to the students so they can have another way to learn. Also, letting the students use their own knowledge of different technologies to do their assignments and presentations will help them to be more motivated and willing to do their work. I wouldn't want to limit my student's creativity when they should be expressive of who they are. Especially in an interior design class when they are to design rooms and houses. This is a perfect time to let them loose and use creative ways to portray their visions for that particular room.

It really doesn't matter if some students are not familiar with some of the computer programs or ways of designing, because I am not grading on how creative or fancy a project is, all that matters is that they do the required parts to the assignment.

1 comment:

  1. You have good guidelines for using technology in your classroom that allow your students to use their own strengths and background knowledge to help their success.
